In the school of the Incarnation,
Jesus is the main Subject and the only Teacher.
Each day you will seat at His feet, as a disciple,
to listen to His teachings.
To listen to Jesus, “to study” Jesus, “to understand” Jesus
will be your first occupation.
There is only one Book in this school : the Gospel,
and four large classrooms : Bethlehem, Nazareth, Galilee and Jerusalem,
with large Windows so that reality may enter in fully.
It also has a very large door, to go out into the world
which is part of this school.
In the school of the Incarnation,
you will learn “to read” His Presence,
in the crooked lines of the world,
“to write” His life, today, with the blood
running through your veins,
“to draw” the traits of Jesus, in your own face, “modelling” your clay.
In the school of the Incarnation,,
you will learn “to study” His actions, hidden or evident,
“to sing” His Lordship, with your existence,
“to play” the Evangelical game of losing to win,
to attain happiness in the paradox of the Beatitudes.
You will also learn “to live” with your companions,
at the desk of daily life and to weave your dreams with them.
At the school of the Incarnation,
you will learn, just to be human,
like God did, which is the best way.
In the school of the Incarnation,
there is an outstanding student
Mary, of Nazareth, the one full of grace,
the first disciple who inaugurated the school.
She is a good companion.
Try to become her good friend.
Ah ! The final exam
will be on love !
So, from now on, apply yourself to the task,
with passion.