Our Charism

Stage by stage

Following in the footsteps of our founders,

Louis-Marie Baudouin and

Charlotte-Gabrielle Ranfray

we are dazzled by the beauty of the mystery of Jesus, Incarnate Word.

Meeting in Canada : 4 faces = 4 nationalities

"The Word was made flesh and dwells among us"

" Moved by the Spirit of the Incarnate Word
we are sent out
in the footsteps of Jesus
who came to live in the world and reveal the Father
to proclaim that God is love
together, listening for his Word
in love freely given to all
poor in all things and close to the poor
walking before Him
in the fraternal life of a community."
Book of Life UJ1

Every 5 years the Congregation evaluates the road we have travelled during an International Assembly, called a Chapter.

In 1990

The orientations we adopted said :

If we are attentive to the life of the world if we let ourselves be converted moved by the breath of the Spirit, patience and compassion strength and daring will be awakened in us so that we can go forward together towards evangelical SOLIDARITY with a preferential option for the poor."

So, We will seek the presence of God with us.

We will be the face of Christ in the world. We shall show that humanity is destined to become a people reconciled with God, a people living in sistery and brotherly communion, Mystery of the Covenant.

In 1995

Allow the salt of the Gospel to permeate our cultures, and give savour to our religious life so that we will be witnesses to the Gospel by our very being, by the Word and through action"

Women of contemplation Let us reveal the God of Life !

Women of compassion Let us set out with the excluded !

Women of communication Let us risk the step towards interculturality !

These projects invite us : to allow ourselves to be impregnated with the gift of our founders, to live happily as women in the world of today, to be more aware of the implications of globalisation.

In 2000

"Go to Galilee It is there you will find him"

Moved by the Spirit of Jesus the Incarnate Word and in response to his call we set out to search and discern together our Galilee places.

It is urgent:to enlarge our tent, to open our doors in fidelity to the Gospel, to allow the breath of the Spirit to renew us, to create all things anew in our following of Jesus.

Let us go to Galilee… and let us journey towards a deeper life of internationality and interculturality, among ourselves and with others…

Let us go to Galilee…

and go out to meet the migrants. They are « the Crucified » at all our crossroads.

Let us go to Galilee… And pitch our tent among the marginalised of the world.

Following Jesus the Incarnate Word, with the audacity of Louis-Marie Baudouin, exiled in Spain, of Charlotte-Gabrielle Ranfray, who dared leave the security of the cloister, in an attitiude of discipleship, we let ourselves be taught by the people among whom we are inserted, and by the Spirit of Jesus revealed through life today, and we shall discern significant moves.

Let us go to Galilee… Women of the Incarnation, we are called to care for life, to help it to grow, to recreate life where it is threatened, so that present and future generations, may receive a creation which is more beautiful and bountiful…

Creation is a gift which we receive each day to share, to give back to the Creator

Let us go to Galilee…

Let us live this spirituality share it and encourage it this is our great treasure !

After the example of Carmen, let us listen to Marie-Helene, our Superior General, who leads us towards the Chapter.

The God of the Incarnation Jesus, the Living Word who came so that we may all have Life and Life in abundance !

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